Top 6 Ways to Improve Your Dental Health

You should never take your health for granted, but often, we forget the connection between our teeth and body. Do you know, your oral health is a window to your general health?

Your oral health offers clues about your general health. Your mouth is filled with mostly harmless bacteria; however, some of these bacteria can lead to disease as your mouth is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory tracts. Conditions that can be associated with poor oral health include Alzheimer’s disease, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, osteoporosis, endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, and pregnancy/birth complications.

With all that said, what is the best way to improve your oral health and prevent issues from arising, such as those listed above? Well, the answer is a lot less complicated than you’d expect.

The most effective way to improve your dental health is to improve your oral hygiene. In addition, you should be receiving biannual teeth cleanings in La Crête.

After all, your teeth are the most evident feature noticed by others when you first meet. Bad breath, yellow/dark stained teeth, and tooth loss are problems we all want to avoid. Think of this article as your cheat sheet to improve your dental health. Continue reading to find a thorough and essential guide to a healthier mouth and body.

1. Brush Each Day

The significance of brushing your teeth every day can’t be emphasized enough. You should be brushing your teeth a minimum of twice per day, preferably once in the morning and once before you sleep. Brushing removes food particles in your mouth, plaque, bacteria, and provides you with fresher breath. Chances are, if you’ve forgotten to brush, you might find out you have some cavities during your next dental check-up.

2. Use the Right Brushing Technique

You’re brushing every day but yet you still require a filling, where did you go wrong? Well, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your brushing technique. If you’re brushing in a horizontal motion like most people, you’ll need to try brushing in circular motions to avoid causing abrasions. Brushing in circular motions pushes the debris down in the open space of your oral cavity so it can be rinsed away with water. Your toothbrush should also be placed at a 45-degree angle, don’t forget to clean the inside surfaces of your lower and upper teeth.

3. Floss The Proper Way

Flossing should be done at least once per day, preferably at night –– before bed. To ensure you are flossing correctly, begin by ripping off a piece of floss that is 18 inches in length. Place the floss around each of your middle fingers and leave an inch of floss to work with. Gently weave the floss around the base of each tooth and make a "C" shape, don’t jab the floss. Use a new section of floss for each tooth and use back-and-forth motions to bring the floss up and away from your teeth.

4. Clean Your Tongue

We’re so concentrated on cleaning our teeth that we forget our tongue needs some attention too. You can find food debris and bacteria on the surface of your tongue, and when it isn’t cleaned, your breath can start to smell funky. To clean your tongue, use a tongue scraper which can be purchased at a local drugstore. A tongue scraper is much more effective at cleaning your teeth than an ordinary toothbrush.

5. Replace Your Toothbrush

Can you recall the last time you swapped your toothbrush? If the answer was over three months ago, then there’s an issue. Following three months of normal wear and tear, your toothbrush can’t remove plaque from your teeth and gums properly. Not to mention, bacteria and fungus can grow in the bristles if you were recently sick. Note, if your toothbrush is frayed, consider replacing it sooner.

6. Choose the Right Dental Tools

All dental products are the same right? No, think again. Don’t opt for a toothbrush with hard bristles as this can damage your teeth and gums. In actuality, firm toothbrushes can expedite the wear on your gums and lead to recession. Instead, you should only be using a soft-bristled toothbrush.

Also, don’t use abrasive toothpaste as this can be harmful. The best mouthwash to use would be a toothpaste that is fluoridated. Fluoride toothpaste can prevent tooth decay and combat cavities.

If you want to enhance your oral health and avoid gum disease, cavities, root canal therapy, and the need for tooth extraction in La Crête, be sure to incorporate these tips into your daily routine.

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