ICO development and marketing services demystified

Raising funds to fuel your startup idea is easier than ever before in today’s business climate. Conventional methods of fundraising are private equity, venture capital, investors, and bank loans. Disruptive technologies have changed how businesses view routine operations inherent to any business. The act of raising funds is no different.

ICO development services

ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) are undertaken to obtain funds from the public at large, and from big investors. ICO developers are behind innovation with regards to new cryptos which are intended for trade in the digital market. ICO marketing services are another crucial aspect of ICO development. ICO marketing services are a make-or-break factor as attracting the right investors is critical to ensure the success of your business startup.

ICO development process

Now that we have a broad understanding of what an ICO is, project suitability needs to be determined. Is an ICO actually relevant to your startup idea? Certain industry experts believe that ICOs are relevant to any project, as long as they enable the business to raise funds and circumvent the drawn-out procedure of registering for an IPO.

Standardization is quickly becoming the norm. There are requirements for successful ICO campaigns these days. In order to increase popularity among investors, the token should be completely integrated into the core structure of the startup. There should be clarity on how the token will appreciate as the startup grows.

A prospective investor could have the following questions with regards to your token:

  • What is the necessity for blockchain tokens in your startup?

  • What is the objective of your startup?

  • What advantages does blockchain tech impart to your project?

  • What is the link between blockchain tech and your project?

  • Why should your token be of interest to prospective investors?

  • What laws does it impact?

  • What drawbacks/benefits are there on-going in a crypto exchange?

  • Do you have any competitors? Are they other ICOs?

Authenticity and transparency are mandatory. The crypto community is experiencing explosive growth and there are numerous ICOs. Integrity is critical for an ICO as ICO scams are a dime-a-dozen these days. Your ICO should stand out. It shouldn’t give off the impression that you are putting one out just to make a quick buck off of investors.  

A qualified team is absolutely essential to pull off an ICO. Investors are quite concerned with the team behind a specific project. Investors are unlikely to take the plunge if the team behind the project is not up to speed.

A big team is required to pull of an ICO. You will require content specialists, SMEs, PR, editors, designers, community managers, and UX / UI programmers to successfully launch an ICO. As ICOs are an international phenomenon, having speakers of multiple languages in your team will also be a huge advantage. 

Once the team has been assembled, a whitepaper document is to be created. This is a document where the project records its objectives, the budget that is required, what kind of currency will be accepted, and the time duration of the ICO campaign. It is a comprehensive blueprint about your project.

Next, you need to develop a website for your ICO. The site should feature a good user interface design. It should be responsive. 

If you want to develop an ICO, you can opt for your proprietary blockchain platform or use the ethereum blockchain platform. Ethereum smart contracts are developed in a language referred to as Solidity. It is a useful programming language to develop smart contracts. ERC20 smart tokens are published with this language. Upon completion of the process, the smart contracts should be deployed to the ethereum blockchain platform.

ICO marketing

ICO marketing campaigns are necessary to create awareness and attract investors. Facebook, LinkedIn, forums, Medium, Github, Blog, Twitter, Email, Slack, Telegram, etc. etc. are popular avenues to develop brand consciousness. Bounty campaigns are an innovative way of marketing your ICO.

Airdrops are an even more reliable way of marketing. It amplifies investor attention and trustworthiness with regard to your project.

Prior to launching an ICO, a marketer should analyze how similar blockchain businesses have finished their token sales successfully. Such insight typically holds the solution to producing valuable, power-packed PR campaigns for your ICO.

Strategies and techniques used to leverage publicity should align with customer expectations; additionally, the PR team should be aware of what coverage is bad or good for the ICO. Any PR strategy or marketing endeavor for that matter, will not deliver the expected results if marketers aren’t collaborating effectively with the ICO’s foundational development team.

Businesses are increasingly using ICOs as a means of obtaining funding. ICOs provide an egalitarian model with regards to fundraising for startups. Blockchain App Factory, as an industry-leading presence is known for its ICO development services and for its proficiency as an ICO marketing company.

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