Why do some people take drugs?

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Drug use has existed in human society for a long time. Why do people use drugs and why do they use drugs? There are many reasons, both psychological and social-environmental reasons.


There are many reasons for adolescents to take drugs, and curiosity is often a common cause of adolescents taking drugs. If you ask adolescents why they started taking drugs, the overwhelming majority of them say, "I was taking drugs because of curiosity." According to research, one of the youngest drug users is 12 years old, and the reason for his drug use is "fun".

Lack of self-control and awareness of the dangers of drugs:

Physiologically speaking, adolescents who are at the stage of adolescent development have drastic changes in the nervous and endocrine systems, unstable mental states, poor self-control ability, and are easily affected by external adverse factors. Compared with adults, they have relatively little social experience and lack of discrimination ability, so they are easy to be deceived. Lack of awareness of the dangers of drugs is a very important reason for adolescents to become drug addiction. A considerable number of adolescent drug users initially lacked awareness of the dangers of drugs and became addicted to drug addiction after setbacks.

Environmental impact:

Parents and partners play an important role in adolescent drug use. Some studies have found that there is a clear relationship between parental drug use and child drug use. The influence of partners is greater, and some adolescents have "brotherhood", and drug addiction user naturally follows the trend. Adolescents are more likely to use drugs if their parents and close friends use them. Parents are addicted to drugs addiction and cannot guarantee their own lives, which will harm their children for life. Peer drug use is a catalyst, making it easy for teens to fall into the abyss of poison.

Seeking excitement:

Many young drug addicts seek to stimulate and become richer than others. In many cases, some adolescents are similar to adults. They also want to get relaxed, euphoric from drugs, get rid of depression, relieve pain and anxiety, or have a sense of autonomy, perception, and power. Some even think that Drug use can promote artistic creation. Some teenagers take drugs because they want to show off their wealth and show their fashion. Adolescents, especially serious multidrug users, have a strong dependence on drugs addiction. They will experience severe emotional disorders, be unable to handle daily life, and be unable to realize their value.

Personality characteristics of drug users:

Although the personality characteristics of drug-addicted teenagers are not necessarily very different from those of ordinary teenagers, some investigations have found that compared with non-drug teenagers, drug-addicted teenagers may be slightly more open, their behaviors are less standardized and more adventurous. More likely to be impulsive, they may also be more rebellious and unyielding. Foreign studies have found that youths who use drugs are more likely to express their “opposed vested interests” on political, religious and ethical issues. Moderate drug users in universities may major in arts and humanities, not natural science or business. Their grades are roughly the same as for non-drug users. Long-term heavy addicts may show signs of severe psychological disorder. These people become "drunk" so that their experiences are similar to those of mental patients, for example, producing hallucinations. Compared with non-drug users, severe drug users show anxiety, restlessness, doubt, depression, pessimism, unreliability, irresponsibility, immatureness, and inability to maintain close social or emotional relationships with others. They are also often users of multiple drugs. In short, severe drug users often have some kind of personality disorder. Trying to take drugs will be the last thing in life; drugs are the source of all evils and it will make you lose everything; drug addiction use is a dead end and people can't compete with it. Cherish health, cherish life, cherish the love of relatives, cherish normal life, this is the real person.

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