How Can Busy Startup Founders Keep Their Productivity In Check?

Running a business, especially when it is a blooming bud is not easy. You have a scarcity of resources and lists of tasks. Wearing different hats is a common scenario for the employees and the founders. Sometimes an HR, sometimes a salesperson and sometimes a marketer, they do a lot. But, most of the hustle is done by Founders.

Running a business, especially when it is a blooming bud is not easy. You have a scarcity of resources and lists of tasks. Wearing different hats is a common scenario for the employees and the founders. Sometimes an HR, sometimes a salesperson and sometimes a marketer, they do a lot. But, most of the hustle is done by Founders. Their days get busier and start affecting productivity negatively. Now, to save your startup from the doom, here is what you should be doing to steer clear of the same.

  • Stop Multitasking
    In startups, people are bound to juggle between tasks but the key is to do one at a time. Doing several tasks at once may make you feel productive but in reality, even if you will be able to complete them, the outcome would not be as good as you were expecting it to be. Breaking the flow of any task to do another? Abhor doing the same. Not only will it help you manage stress in a better way but will also give better outcomes.  You can also select the best HR software to manage employees well from any HRMS software in India.
  • Keep distractions at bay
    Social media, food, texting, friends, all of them are distractions that can defocus you badly. But staying away from them while at work is not really possible, but only till the time you genuinely don’t want to. Make a rule of taking breaks for a fixed duration and after completion of one goal or milestone for the day. The first step is to block the notifications. When your phone does not show pop-ups every now and then, you do not get pulled into it so soon. You should also put your phone on silent. Use your headphones to not get affected by the noise.

  • Set time limits

Ever felt overwhelmed but realized by the end of the day that there is not much that you have done? Don’t worry, you are not alone. This happens a lot with a lot of people frequently. But, it is because you do not set a time limit and get engross in one task completely. You should break a big task into 4 intervals, wherein, the break time should be of 5-10 minutes. After you have done the task, you can take a 20-30 minutes break. Try the trick and you will find yourself becoming more productive than you already are.

  • Group similar tasks together

Agreed that there are a lot of distractions in the day but some are important that you just cannot ignore. It is practically impossible to not check your phone even once in the day. For instance, there may be some employees looking for some guidance or there can be some sort of emergency. For work-related distractions, you can ask them to notify you of the HRMS you use if there is something very urgent. So, make sure you use the HRMS software in India that has the chat feature. For the rest of the distractions, you should set a time. For instance, make out time to send and read emails at a particular time at once, and call back the people who called you at a particular time in chunks. You can do some of these tasks in break times. 

  • Delegate chores to others

For the tasks that do not need thought and demand a lot of time like data entry or researching and more, you can delegate the task to your team members or make use of the gig economy. This will allow you to focus on more relevant tasks to grow the business that needs you and your time more than the redundant tasks. You can use smart HRMS software India or ask the HR personnel to find the right agencies or persons to get on board.

Let us know which of the aforementioned tips to boost productivity worked for you or if you have any other point to add.